
Here Is What You Need to Know If You Are Thinking About Divorce

If you found this page, then you are probably going through a very difficult time and contemplating divorce from your spouse. This article is designed to provide some basic information that you should consider when making the most difficult decision of your life. Be Sure Before You File For Divorce Divorce is a big decision. […]

Key Tax Issues In Divorce

It is critical to consider taxes when evaluating the terms property division terms of any divorce decree. This article discusses 4 common tax issues that arise in a divorce case. Built In Taxable Gains Let’s begin with a common tax issue affecting property division in a divorce. Some assets have a built in taxable gain. […]

Get All The Property That You Are Entitled To In Your Divorce

Almost all marriages will involve a division of property. This often leads clients to ask, how can they make sure that they get all of the property that they are entitled to in the divorce? This article explains how we make sure clients get all of the property they deserve in a Texas divorce. Only […]

What To Expect During Your Divorce Consultation

This article provides a brief overview of what you should expect during a consultation for your divorce case in Texas. Purpose The purpose of the consultation is for your attorney to learn about the history of your marriage and facts specific to your divorce. This allows the attorney to identify specific legal issues likely to […]

Bryan Interviewed By Local News About Divorce Post-COVID

Earlier this year, Bryan was interviewed by local news station ABC Station KLTV 7 about changes to the divorce process as part of KLTV’s “The Next Normal” series. You can watch the interview on the KLTV or KTRE Channel 9 websites by following the link below: https://www.ktre.com/2020/07/16/local-lawyers-havent-seen-an-increase-divorces-how-they-happen-has-changed/

What Is A Just and Right Division of Property In Divorce?

This article provides an overview of the general rule for dividing property in a Texas divorce as well as a discussion of the factors that a court will consider when deciding how to divide property. The General Rule For Property Division In Divorce The legal standard for property division in a Texas divorce is a […]

How Is Child Custody Decided In A Divorce?

Divorces involving children can quickly become some of the most emotional and complex cases in law. This article addresses both the procedural and substantive process of deciding the issue of child custody in a divorce. Procedures for Deciding Child Custody In Divorce First, let’s look at the procedural issues involved in deciding child custody. Divorce […]

Can I Avoid Divorce By Having My Marriage Annulled?

Sometimes people ask about having their marriage terminated by an annulment as opposed to a divorce. While Texas is a no fault state for divorce, meaning anyone can file for divorce at any time, annulments are only available in limited circumstances. The Difference Between Annulments and Divorces An annulment is a court order that declares […]

5 Urban Myths About Divorce

People usually talk to friends or coworkers about divorce before they come talk to an attorney. Invariably those friends and coworkers share stories or statements about the law that are not true. People also search Google for answers to questions about their divorce. Here is some free advice – do not believe everything that you […]

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