The ETX Family Law Firm assists clients with protecting their parental rights in child custody and child support matters whether rising as part of a divorce or a suit affecting the parent child relationship.
Below are links to pages with general information on these topics:
Below are dozens of articles providing more detailed information on a number of topics affecting child custody and child support cases.

Understanding Conservatorship in a Texas Divorce or Child Custody Case
This article provides an overview of the various types of conservatorship in a divorce or other child custody decision in Texas.

The Basics of Child Custody
This article provides a high level overview of the basic issues involved in child custody for both divorces and other family law matters in Texas.

50/50 Alternative Possession Schedules for Child Custody
This article provides a detailed discussion of some of the 50/50 alternative possession schedules available instead of the Standard Possession Order in a Texas divorce.

How Is Child Custody Decided In A Divorce?
Divorces involving children can quickly become some of the most emotional and complex cases in law. This article addresses both the procedural and substantive process

Modifying Child Support Obligations
The financial circumstances of a child or parent often change after entry of a final decree of divorce or other order requiring payment of child

Can I Modify My Child Custody Order After Divorce?
Yes – you can seek to modify the child custody (possession) portion of your final decree of divorce after your divorce. This article provides information

Can The Amount of Child Support I Receive Change After My Divorce?
Yes – the amount of child support that you receive can change after your final decree of divorce. However, it does not change automatically just

Does My Child Get To Decide Which Parent They Will Live With?
Child custody is a contentious issue in any divorce. One of the more common myths I hear from prospective divorce clients is that their child

Can My Spouse Avoid Paying Child Support By Quitting His or Her Job?
It is common for a spouse ordered to pay child support in a Texas divorce proceeding to have a change in income after the divorce.

Can I Revoke The Other Parent’s Visitation Rights If They Do Not Pay Child Support?
The short answer is no, you may not revoke the other parent’s custody rights with the child if do not pay child support in Texas.

Understanding Your Rights and Duties as a Parent During Divorce
This article provides an overview of your rights and duties as a parent both during and after your divorce. Certain rights are vested in a

General Rules for Child Support in a Texas Divorce
This article provides an overview of the rules governing child support in a Texas divorce case. It touches on subjects such as the duty to

General Rules of Child Custody in a Texas Divorce
This article is intended to provide a broad overview of the general rules governing child custody decisions in a Texas divorce. You can also read

Key Child Custody Terms in Texas
The legal terms used in child custody proceedings are different from the every day terms such as “custody” and “visitation.” This article provides definitions for

Understanding the Standard Possession Order for Child Custody in Texas
In any divorce involving minor children, the parties and ultimately the court must approve a custody plan for those children. In Texas, that custody plan