Reimbursement claims can affect how property is divided in a Texas divorce case. This article explains what reimbursement claims are and how they affect a just and right division of property.
Dividing a Business in Divorce
This article provides an overview of many of the issues that arise when a divorcing couple owns a business.
Understanding Conservatorship in a Texas Divorce or Child Custody Case
This article provides an overview of the various types of conservatorship in a divorce or other child custody decision in Texas.
How Is Debt Divided In Divorce?
This article discusses how debt is handled during a Texas divorce and how to protect yourself from debt after the divorce.
The Basics of Child Custody
This article provides a high level overview of the basic issues involved in child custody for both divorces and other family law matters in Texas.
What is a QDRO in divorce?
It is likely that you will hear the term “QDRO” discussed at some point in your divorce case. This article provides background information on what a QDRO is in divorce.
Here Is What You Need to Know If You Are Thinking About Divorce
If you found this page, then you are probably going through a very difficult time and contemplating divorce from your spouse. This article is designed to provide some basic information that you should consider when making the most difficult decision of your life. Be Sure Before You File For Divorce Divorce is a big decision. […]
Key Tax Issues In Divorce
It is critical to consider taxes when evaluating the terms property division terms of any divorce decree. This article discusses 4 common tax issues that arise in a divorce case. Built In Taxable Gains Let’s begin with a common tax issue affecting property division in a divorce. Some assets have a built in taxable gain. […]
50/50 Alternative Possession Schedules for Child Custody
This article provides a detailed discussion of some of the 50/50 alternative possession schedules available instead of the Standard Possession Order in a Texas divorce. The article also addresses when alternative schedules are available. You can read more about the Standard Possession Order here. You can also learn more about how child custody decisions are […]
What Is Separate Property in a Divorce?
This article provides a discussion of what property constitutes separate property in a Texas divorce case. Texas is a Community Property State In order to understand separate property, you need to start with understanding that Texas is a community property state. Any property, other than separate property, acquired by the spouses during marriage is community […]