Child Support

COVID-19 FAQ For Your Family Law Concerns

There are a lot of questions surrounding the impact COVID-19 is having on divorces including the post-divorce interpretation of divorce decree terms on child custody and child support. This is a brief answer to some of the more common questions. I’ve written previously about the Texas Supreme Court’s emergency orders clarifying the interpretation of possession […]

2019 Increase to Texas Child Support Cap On Net Resources

The Texas Attorney General’s Office announced the new Texas child support cap earlier this year. Effective September 1, 2019, Texas law raises the cap on net resources to which the statutory child support guidelines apply from $8,550 to $9,200. Texas law requires that the Texas Attorney General’s Office update this cap every six years to […]

Can The Amount of Child Support I Receive Change After My Divorce?

Yes – the amount of child support that you receive can change after your final decree of divorce. However, it does not change automatically just because your former spouse gets a new job, the two of you agree on a difference amount, or for any other reason. Child support obligations may only be modified after […]

Can My Spouse Avoid Paying Child Support By Quitting His or Her Job?

It is common for a spouse ordered to pay child support in a Texas divorce proceeding to have a change in income after the divorce. Sometimes that happens for reasons beyond their control, such as layoffs or a need to change their lifestyle following the divorce. But sometimes a parent will attempt to manipulate their […]

General Rules for Child Support in a Texas Divorce

This article provides an overview of the rules governing child support in a Texas divorce case. It touches on subjects such as the duty to support, calculating child support based on statutory guidelines, basis for deviating from statutory guidelines, as well as medical and dental support. You can read more Details About Child Support. You […]

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