child custody

50/50 Alternative Possession Schedules for Child Custody

This article provides a detailed discussion of some of the 50/50 alternative possession schedules available instead of the Standard Possession Order in a Texas divorce. The article also addresses when alternative schedules are available. You can read more about the Standard Possession Order here. You can also learn more about how child custody decisions are […]

How Is Child Custody Decided In A Divorce?

Divorces involving children can quickly become some of the most emotional and complex cases in law. This article addresses both the procedural and substantive process of deciding the issue of child custody in a divorce. Procedures for Deciding Child Custody In Divorce First, let’s look at the procedural issues involved in deciding child custody. Divorce […]

COVID-19 FAQ For Your Family Law Concerns

There are a lot of questions surrounding the impact COVID-19 is having on divorces including the post-divorce interpretation of divorce decree terms on child custody and child support. This is a brief answer to some of the more common questions. I’ve written previously about the Texas Supreme Court’s emergency orders clarifying the interpretation of possession […]

TX Supreme Court Issues Additional COVID-19 Guidance for Child Custody

As the COVID-19 virus continues to spread, several county and city governments across the State of Texas have issued “shelter in place” orders prohibiting various activities. This has led to some confusion regarding the impact of those orders on child possession schedules. On Tuesday, March 24, 2020, the Texas Supreme Court issued an additional order […]

Texas Supreme Court Emergency Order Clarifying Possession Schedules

On March 17, 2020, the Supreme Court of Texas issued an emergency order clarifying how possession schedules should be interpreted as a result of the many school cancellations occurring across the state. Many possession schedules provide a parent with possession during the entirety of Spring Break alternating each year. Several school districts have “extended Spring […]

Does My Child Get To Decide Which Parent They Will Live With?

Child custody is a contentious issue in any divorce. One of the more common myths I hear from prospective divorce clients is that their child is over the age of 12 and wants to live with them so custody isn’t an issue. That simply isn’t true as I will explain below. A Quick Note On […]

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